Tuesday, March 1, 2011

President of ANZMH Association, to stand for General Council of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

Prof Philip Morris, President of the Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association, is standing for election as one of the Queensland representatives on the General Council of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.  He would very much welcome your support.  

Prof Morris said "the the election of General Councilors provides an opportunity to set a new positive direction for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.  With your support I hope to be elected as a Queensland representative on the General Council. 

Along with like-minded candidates from other states and territories, I hope to make the College a collegiate membership-based organization where respect and support of the ordinary Fellows leads to improved professional morale with the effect of better mental health care for the community.  I hope to facilitate increased involvement in the College of Fellows from all practice settings – including private, public, and academic. 

 I wish to give College members a greater say in the selection and election of senior College executive office holders.  I will advocate for the College to set up interactive email discussion groups so that all members of the College can discuss important topics and communicate directly with College executive officers and the Board chairs, and to extend electronic methods of communication and voting within the College.  I will argue for lower College subscription fees. 

I will support a prompt independent review of College governance, performance and structure that is designed to improve the involvement of College Fellows in the organization.  To achieve these changes will require a change in the personnel of the General Council.  This is why I am standing for this election. Ballot papers will be distributed in the near future for this election.  

I would be grateful if you might consider me for your support and your vote."

You will find a short bio of Prof Morris here

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