Saturday, February 25, 2012

Australian Labor Government Reinstates Mental Health Sessions

THE federal government has performed a partial reversal on changes to mental health funding first announced in last year's budget. 
It announced in May it would save $580 million over five years by rationalising the Better Access program, which subsidises treatment by psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists.

Most of that came from slashing Medicare rebates for GPs who devised treatment plans, while about $175 million was to come from limiting the number of services available to patients from a maximum of 18 to 10.

But after a backlash from some healthcare providers and patients Labor has decided to reinstate an additional six sessions for a ``transitional period'' between March and December 2012.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The 13th International Mental Health Conference 2012 - Abstract Submission

If you would like to speak at the conference  please submit an abstract...

Important Dates
  1. Open of Abstracts December 2011
  2. Close of Abstracts 13th April 2012
  3. Notification to Authors 20th April 2012
  4. Author Acceptance Closes 27th April 2012
  5. Programme Available 1st of May 2012
The conference will focus on:
• State, Federal and International initiatives addressing mental health needs.
• Planning and initiatives of the COAG task force.
• Research validation of early intervention strategies and treatments for drug induced psychosis, trauma and depression.
• Research validated treatments designed to facilitate recovery, particularly in the areas of depression and trauma.
• Initiatives and best practice in suicide prevention
• Examine and critically review the effectiveness of preventive approaches used in the field of mental health

Keynote addresses, submitted papers, workshops and case studies will examine how approaches and techniques can be incorporated into daily practise.

The conference streams will include:
• Multi-level Government initiatives and policies
• Early interventions
• Recovery treatments
• Prevention treatments (including suicide)
• Workforce re-integration – best practice? What treatments are most efficacious

Important Information
Authors or organisations interested in submitting a paper or presenting a workshop are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 300 words outlining the aims, contents and conclusions of their paper or presentation; or about their intended role in a workshop. 

All proposals will be reviewed by the Conference Program Committee. Presentations will be selected to provide a program that offers a comprehensive and diverse treatment of issues related to the conference theme. Authors will be notified by e-mail of the outcome of their abstract submission. 

The 2012 Conference (6th August – Friday 8th August 2012)